Special Favorites Challenge
2018 started a popular vote favorites contest in the Danville Train Show that has become a true favorite in the division. That year the show contest was a scale 100'X100' display. That year the was open with no theme. The CID board was happy to have ten displays on hand and also pleased at the interest shown by the show attendees.
In 2019 a theme was introduced to the contest with the display needing to contain a repurposed railroad car.
2020 had a theme of "Street Running" so the display had to have some railroad stock in the street. We had some outside the box thinking with an entry that had no trackage in the street but a track mobile driving on it's rubber tires down the street. This year brought lighting on displays. Due to COVID this was a photo contest.
2021 was back in person and the them was really broad. Model some water. That was it. Anything you could dream up involving water and railroading. Modelers ran with this idea and modeled both ocean and fresh water but didn't stop there. Two participants modeled precipitation with one modeling a rainy scene that contained a sound elements and another that modeled a snow scene complete with lit N scale Christmas tree. In addition to sound being modeled for the first time we had animation in mill.
2022 had a theme of 'Tell Me A Story" where modelers just needed to show us a scene with a story taking place. Our winning entry really connected with the audience scoring more votes than all other entries combined. It had a compelling scene of Square Donut shop in Terra Haute, loads of vehicles, people and fantastic lighting effects as well as the parked locomotive of a train crew who stopped and ran in for donuts. The modeling was based on a real news story from the area.
The major rules are:
* The display must include a repurposed railroad car
* Maximum horizontal dimensions = 100 Scale Feet X 100 Scale Feet
square or 100 Scale Feet diameter circle (for the base) No 1:1
* No part of the model should extend past the edge of the base
* Maximum vertical dimension = none, but the model must stand on its own
* This is a display – so, no backdrop
* The display may be electrically powered, 18-volt maximum from
batteries or 110V wall-wart
* The modeler may provide documentation for the display on a 4” X 6”
card or in a standard, 3-ring binder (nothing larger, please)
2023 Danville 100'x100'Theme
For 2023 we will continue with a theme geared towards creating a model you can use on the layout. While shelf queens are great and provide an opportunity to explore a modeling era. locale, or theme other than what your layout provides, we want to theme the contests so that you can take the entry back home and use it on the layout.
For 2023 you need to show us some freight being loaded.
**If you can show us something being loaded into a car (be it grain, animals, people, lumber, etc) and it fits in a scale 100'x100' then you have a contest entry! Go with a tried and true scene or think outside the box but make sure your entry is clear that something is being loaded so that a voter who may have no working knowledge of what is happening in the scene understands what is going on.