Track Talk Photo Album
Updated, 4-29-20, scroll to the bottom of the page for Track Talk Zoom meeting.
Scroll to the bottom for the newest Track Talk photos!
The chat/conversation from recent track talks are provided at the bottom of this page. Updated 6-1-20
Track Talk December 12, 2019 Eric Peterson's O Scale 2 Rail Layout

Our first Track Talk was hosted by Eric Peterson at his home where we had the opportunity to see his O Scale 2 Rail Layout which he is setting up in his new basement.
This allowed CID members the opportunity to see how Eric had created modules for the purpose of moving his layout to his new home. We also saw how he had wired the layout for DCC with his NCE power control system.
We also got to see Eric's work room with lots of neat tools such as his resistance soldering unit.
Another great part of the Track Talk time was Pizza, drinks and some great model railroader fellowship.

Track Talk January 18, 2020 Columbus Model Railroad Club

The January track talk took place on a blustery and cold Saturday morning at the Johnson County Parks Department building which is on the north side of Camp Atterbury. Track Talk had originally planned to see the Columbus Area Railroad Club which is housed in the same building. A problem with the building stopped us from being able to see the layout and almost cancelled the event. After some quick brainstorming we decided to still hold the event. The Columbus club members hosted Track Talk and started us off with background on the area which was originally part of Camp Atterbury. After a show and tell session before lunch where not only were items brought to show and discuss but we also gave some solutions for repairing a broken G scale caboose. Pizza was delivered for lunch which was also a time of socialization. Stepping in for the activity after lunch was Track Talk Manager Eric Peterson. He brought railroad materials he acquired from years of collecting as well as materials gathered while working for CSX . He held up each item, announced what it was and gave it to the first person to ask for the item. The items then made their way around the table. We had everything from a turn of the century railroad facilities planning book to an F7 engine manual to CSX signalling and track documentation. We wrapped up, thanked our gracious hosts for making the building arrangements and setting us up with a pizza place that delivered. We look forward to visiting this modeling group again later this year when the layout is once again open.

As noted, Track Talk is not derailed, its taking a different track! Our latest Zoom Meetings.

Part of track talk is seeing and sharing with each other. Participants can also text or chat during the zoom meeting. Here is the text/chat from our 4-25-20 meeting
The April 25 Track Talk Virtual Edition had a lot great information. We covered a book review of Indiana Railroads. This is a pictoral examination of Indiana's Railroads with a lot of unique shots. The book Rails Around Indiana can be purchased at:
You can also contact Co-Author David Crisler at: david.crisler.jr@gmail.com
to arrange personal, but socially distanced, delivery.
Phillip Burnside gave us a great 3D printer demo where he designed the handle for a modern switch machine.
The 3D printing software:
Design: AutoCad inventor free for home use but cannot produce works for sale
Printing software: Slicer software Simply3D @ $100 license available at http://SIMPLIFY3D.com
Items can be uploaded (as well as thousands of already uploaded items for sale) can be found at http://Shapeways.com
3D files can also be found at https://www.thingiverse.com
We had a great time of show and tell and one of the items was fiber optic lighting sold by Darvin.
The lighting show and tell was for products from https://www.dwarvin.com They offer a nice selection of fiber optic lighting systems. They sell sections of fiber optic in sizes up to 100 feet so you can do a lot of lighting with this system.
The May 23 Track Talk Virtual Edition had a lot great information.
Sreet Signage:
If you search for MUTCD you will find quite a few for individual sates
US Dept of Transportation pdf
Make sure that you paint the backside of your road signs with a metalic, reflective type paint.
Modular board vendor using precision conenct
https://www.kamkonnect.com/ for precision connected modular tables.
Everett Stoub's gallery page using Kam Konnect
A system for creating white decals on clear paper.
Micromark nibbling tool
Great for nice 90 degree inside corners
Corner punches for use with a drill press
The May 30 Track Talk Virtual Edition had a lot great information.
There was a demonstration of a breakout board. You can research and purchase these from Amazon. Search for 'pc power supply breakout board' to find boards to use old PC power supplied and break that into smaller voltages
David Mashino presented his work on making goose neck lights in HO. His source for material is Ngineering.com